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Tips for filming a video in an organization or business

Updated: 20 hours ago

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In my previous articles dealing with the field of video, I described the combination between video clips and KM (for the full article, click here ( as well as provided tips for writing a script for a clip (for the full article, click here). In these articles, I explained how an integration of video clips as a complementary tool for KM processes may assist in increasing the effectiveness of the utilization of organizational knowledge. Also, I elaborated on several important tips for writing a script for a business video clip.


In this article we'll focus on important tips for filming a video.

The organization/business in which you work has decided to produce a video clip. After you've written an apt script, you've reached the stage in which we "translate" the script to video shots. Yet before you click Record and start filming, it is recommended to perform several actions in accordance with the type of video clip you're filming:

  • If the clip includes interviews, make sure that the questions are forwarded to the participants in advance. If possible, rehearse briefly before filming.

  • In a film with several 'actors', hold a preparatory meeting in which everyone participating in the film review the script and the 'producers' answer any questions raised. Make sure each 'actor' knows and understands the text he/she says, where he/she should stand etc.

Since you're not going to film a large media event, and most organizations and businesses don't hold professional film crews, hereby are several tips that may assist you in filming your video clip. Note; these tips are for filming with means available to everyone nowadays: the Smartphone:

  • Camera Lens: it is recommended to clean the lens with a soft, dry cloth (for example, one used for cleaning the glasses' lenses).

  • Lighting: one of the most important parts of filming (video/stills). Some pointers:

  • When filming outside in natural lighting, make sure that the filming is done with our back to the sun (or the video will be burnt or blinded).

  • When filming inside a building, try to insert as much natural light from outside as possible and use artificial lighting (it is recommended to rent two lighting posts).

  • Insufficient/inappropriate lighting may result in a darkened video/blinded video.

  • Frame/picture: before filming, make sure that the environment is clean of objects/people that are not supposed to appear in the video.

  • Stability: it is recommended to hold the Smartphone in two hands in order to prevent a shaky picture. Likewise regarding movement; avoid sharp movements (the picture will appear 'smeared'). Nowadays, a 'selfie stick' can be cheaply purchased and be used in extended filming periods for stability.

  • Film vertically, not horizontally: the picture will thus be wider and therefore contain more filming space. Furthermore, the16:9 format is currently the most common format and can assist in the editing process.

  • Leave short focused "tales"- press Record, then wait a few seconds. Only then begin filming the scene (this tip is important for a video to be later edited).

  • Digital Zoom: it is recommended to refrain from using the digital zoom featured in most Smarthphones.

Those are the main tips for filming a video. Remember that this stage is the practical stage so you won't have a second chance at shooting this video clip. It is therefore important you ensure that you haven't skipped any part of the script which served as the basis for the filming.




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