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 Management and Knowledge Management Book Reviews
by Dr. Moria Levy

The Formula- Book Review

Barabási's "The Formula" challenges conventional notions of success, dissecting the gap between performance and achievement. Backed by extensive research, it identifies five key factors driving success while emphasizing the importance of persistence and strategic collaboration.

Introduction to activity theory- Book review

"Introduction to Activity Theory" by Amos Katz, written in 1975, humorously critiques organizations' penchant for needless activity. It explores methods for boosting activity, including committees, meetings, reports, training, and equipment upgrades, with satirical wit.

Knowledge Succession- Book review

"Knowledge Succession" by Arthur Shelley stresses the vital role of continuous knowledge for success. It advises on knowledge management strategies, emphasizing communication, reflection, language clarity, relationship building, behavior influence, stakeholder engagement, and effective leadership.

Innovative Creativity- Book Review

"Innovative Creativity: Creating with Innovation in Mind" by Dr. Alex Bennet & Dr. Arthur Shelley, with assistance from Charles Dhewa, is a 2024 book that blends theory with practical advice to enhance individual creativity. It emphasizes using creativity for innovation, breaking down creativity components, and exploring various tools to promote creative thinking, including intuition and social development.

The Smart Mission - Book Review

"The Smart Mission" explores NASA's knowledge management post-shuttle disasters. Emphasizing work knowledge, learning, storytelling, and global collaboration, it advocates dynamic approaches. Effective knowledge management involves social infrastructure, identifying critical knowledge, and interdisciplinary understanding. In today's uncertain world, it highlights leadership and knowledge's pivotal roles.

The Fifth Discipline- Book Review

Peter Senge's "The Fifth Discipline" is a renowned classic, lauded by The Financial Times and Harvard Business Review. It introduces principles for learning organizations, complementing knowledge management. Success in knowledge management is feasible without complete alignment with a learning organization, emphasizing structured sharing and goal-oriented practices.

Change- principles of problem formation and problem resolution- Book Review

Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fish's 1979 book, "Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution," explores essential change methods grounded in set theory and logical type theory. The authors advocate for second-degree changes, contributing valuable insights to knowledge management on terminology, logical methods, and recommended solutions.

Organization theories- Book Review

Organizational theories, as explored in Mary Jo Hetz's book, stress the need for customized knowledge management solutions. The text navigates historical development, ingredient broth, and perspectives, emphasizing context-specificity. It also underscores lessons for effective knowledge management, advocating for diverse perspectives and acknowledging collective knowledge advancement.

Blue Ocean Strategy- Book Review

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne's 2004 book builds on Nonaka and Takeuchi's work, emphasizing value innovation for organizational success. The strategy involves delivering more with less, creating a blue ocean untapped by competitors through optimized value components. Key elements include focus, differentiation, and a compelling proposition, as illustrated by examples like Casella in the wine industry.

The Knowledge Creating Company- Book Review

Nonaka and Takeuchi's 1995 book, "The Knowledge-Creating Company," examines Japanese business success, attributing it to knowledge creation. The model outlines transitions between tacit and explicit knowledge, emphasizing shared discourse, transformation, combination, and application. Conditions for knowledge development and stages for cultivating new knowledge are presented, promoting organizational growth. The model's adaptability to Western societies is discussed, suggesting its potential universality.

Experience as the source of learning and development- Book Review

The text discusses ongoing learning beyond formal education, centered on David Kolb's book on experiential learning. It explores learning cycles, styles, and their impact on professions, correlating learning styles with careers. The author emphasizes the integration of concrete experience and abstract conceptualization for genuine learning and organizational success.

The psychology of the Internet- Book Review

The text highlights the lengthy process of writing research-based books, citing Patricia Wallace's enduring 1999 work on Internet psychology. It explores online communication nuances, first impressions, age and gender estimation, community dynamics, group behavior, anger expression, virtual romances, and the impact on time management and knowledge sharing. Despite challenges, the Internet fosters generosity, altruism, and positive influences on knowledge management.

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