We have a service knowledge management system. We invested time in setting it up, launching it, constantly updating it, and undoubtedly someone is using it. Usually, we initially work according to an organized work plan and well-defined guidelines. As time passes, we often deviate from this course.
What do we mean?
We don’t optimally utilize the template
We use the template, but do not edit the content or adapt it to our users
We upload documents instead of edited content
We add new content to items without considering the current content
The reasons for this phenomenon vary in worker turnover, lack of training for new content editors, lack of time, burnout. Whatever the reason, we wake up one morning and realize that our current state differs significantly from our initial one. We then decide it is time to rethink our course.
What can we do at this point?
Optimize content, both in terms of accessibility and writing methods.
Implementation recommendations:
focused short-term content editor training.
Perform training sessions regarding writing principles (including exercises)
Analyze with them knowledge items currently stored in the system
Verify the current templates and adjust as necessary
Enable editors to insert new knowledge items or optimize existing knowledge items, then analyze them together for everyone to learn from the process
Update the guidelines:
Perform ongoing activities in the knowledge management system, using the tools and knowledge acquired in the training process
Require feedback for every new knowledge item from content editors and/or edge users
Perform regular analysis of knowledge items during team meetings.
Prepare for the future:
prepare a work plan for optimizing the knowledge items currently stored in the system. This plan’s execution should not interfere with the regular work routine. This plan should consider the following points:
The plan must include the system’s most valuable items (approximately 50 items)
The plan will be relegated to up to 6 months
Every content editor will optimize 1-2 items a week
A worker responsible for the plan’s execution will be officially appointed
In conclusion, turnout, burnout, and constant overload never cease. Therefore, it’s best to implement such a project occasionally and not wait for a complete system replacement. It’s always best to listen to edge users and invest in the development of our system.