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Writer's pictureKeren Trosler

Process Intelligence

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Process Intelligence (PI) is code for various technologies that expose knowledge hidden in business processes and assist us to use it more efficiently. Its purposes are improving productivity, improving product quality and service quality, as well as improving business profitability by making information and knowledge clearer to understand and improving process-oriented information more efficiently. Process Intelligence assists organizations to use the process information in order to improve competition. PI is utilized as a mediator between technical management and business management through access to business databases; locating central business processes in which knowledge is concealed; integrating knowledge in important periods in the organization's timeline (constructing schedules and simulators) and planning means for monitoring and forecasts that can be of assistance when making decisions.

Process Intelligence provides the process engineers and managers with tools for making better decisions. Examples of these tools include:

Information Discovery which enables learning about how decisions are made in various altering settings (for more on the subject, I refer you to the article Knowledge Discovery, published in the June 2007 edition of KM-2Know Magazine).

Advanced Generic Algorithms which construct schedules in real time & merge financial processes into a framework of production time. These algorithms reduce inefficiency by exploiting production capacity through integration of the inventory, considering current orders and product planning. This integration includes adjusting the schedules, examining alternative schedules and quick allocation of orders.

Online analysis, which simulates and predicts the measures of expensive process complicated to forecast. These are easily-updated virtual sensors which save the organization time and money by predicting changes.

 Process Intelligence offers technologies that may be of assistance when dealing with the current information overflow and apply the required information in the most effective way in order to maximize competitiveness.

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