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Microcopies: from concept to (awesome) reality


I have recently discovered the microcopy. We've wrote quite a lot about it here and provided examples from various websites. If you've forgotten or are unsure of the exact definition of a microcopy, a click here will clarify matters.

I notice the existence of microcopies in the smallest of places and become excited, I provide it with a prominent position in my daily work as portal manager, in teasers I create and routine simple emails.

I strongly believe that any interaction generates an experience. The important question is, therefore, what sort of experience are we providing. Even screens, pop-ups, icons, emails, etc. are all interactions with a human party. Will remembering this fact affect out conduct and in turn the users' experience? This really depends on us.

I would like to share a recent extraordinary personal experience of mine. Just for context, I would like to note that a revolution in the field of cable TV and content consumption has been occurring in recent years. The TV market has changed as has our manner of consumption. We are exposed to other technologies; new players have joined and to our delight a pleasant outcome is the lowered prices. As a long-time customer of a well-known company I have been paying more than 250 NIS a month for several years. This led me to curiously follow the possibilities the recent changes may provide. I've bravely decided to change suppliers; I even had my eyes on a specific brand and was simply waiting for it to become a bit more stable in the new market.

However, ads for Sting TV began popping up everywhere: social networks, on TV, on the web. Since I was interested anyway, I decided to look into it. The rest is history.

I can't say this was the first time I've encountered a microcopy or a unique user experience. I can however say that this is one of few times I've felt that someone took this task seriously by planning a s

trategy, defining goals and working consistently, thoroughly and (in my opinion) successfully. And in Hebrew!

 What captivated me? Nearly everything. The Data mirroring, process, product, and quickness- the language and experience were carefully considered throughout the entire process.

 The main website- the clear and concise messages, the simply comprehensible phrasing and uniform style throughout the entire read. A simple website epitomizing Less is More.


The sign-up process is simple, concise yet retains the language and experience.

screenshot of registration

After joining- the emails, personal area, personal connection were all part of the same experience.

screenshot of registration

screenshot of sms

Receiving the product and installation- even the box, instruction manual and user interface utilized the same language and experience.

A box with text on it

The bottom line is that I enjoyed a positive user experience. Experiences are by nature subjective and some won't connect to the phrasing chosen by Sting TV. That said, it is worth a visit ( as a fine example of a product that placed UX and microcopy prominently throughout the entire process both generally and in detail. This is all the more remarkable when performed in Hebrew.

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