While attractive and enticing leads clients to our app or site, extraordinary design and arrangement of interactions and micro-interactions are the key to an improved UX.
Micro-interactions are tiny, nearly unfelt communications segments that take place when we use an app/site. This communication assists us in fulfilling tasks and generates a simple, intuitive User Experience. Both macro and micro interactions generate interest among users and lead them to curiously explore for other functions.
Micro-interactions can be implemented in many situations in order to improve User Experience. Here by are some examples from our day to day work routines:
Icons that change color when passed by a mouse: signals the users that it can be clicked on.
Vibration when devices silenced: signals the user that messages are now received differently.
Content activated at the bottom of the screen: notifies the user of an incoming message.
Animation streamed across the screen: signals the user that some activity is being implemented in the background.
Critical when planning:
Feedback or result displayed following an action
Informing users when a single task is completed
Animating the object's transition from one state to another
Putting a smile on the users' face. Fun is an integral part of a successful UX.
In conclusion,
Collection and acquiring data is any website or application's most important process. These processes require user cooperation, i.e. a series of actions users are required to perform. Foreseeing actions that might prevent mistakes can better our understanding of said processes, e.g. by "accompanying" users to the next stage. If we all remember that each user entrance is an opportunity for interaction and plan it well, we may successfully turn a boring process into a vivid reality.