Juice Analytics is a website that always has exciting surprises. Recently, we came across an article that helps develop successful Real-time Dashboards. The eight main characteristics of such Dashboards are:
A prominent summary bottom line that answers our main question. People should be able to glance at the site and know where they stand.
Reflection of the business structure and relationships between its various components. Don't set up a real-time Dashboard if you haven't understood the nature of the organization and comprehended it well!
Quick pointing to steps for diagnosing the problem. It's essential in real-time solutions to immediately point to steps that help the user analyze the source of the situation they're observing.
Simplicity. Simply illustrate the data. In real-time systems, it's less appropriate to produce sophisticated graphs but include simple illustrative means and abstract representation methods to convey the message.
Periodic presentation of the most basic information item. Every real-time Dashboard has at least one main item it samples. Build the reporting and input based on these items.
Defining an appropriate time window. In real-time data, it's advisable to analyze the correct and most suitable time window to which the data will refer, not to underestimate it, and also (and this is more tempting, of course) not to overdo it.
Balanced alerts. Real-time Dashboards are natural candidates for alerts. One should think about and plan the balance between hysterical messages and dry messages. The importance of the message should be properly emphasized.
Pointing to the source of the problem. For every problem that surfaces, it's advisable to go directly to the place where the problem can be handled, and if that's not possible, at least to get information about the next steps needed to start dealing with it.
It is recommended to delve deeper and read the examples on the website: