2Know Newsletter
Ready, Set, Go – Preparing for the Global Knowledge Week
In October 2023, specifically during the week of October 15-20, the International Knowledge Management Forum will host International...
Practically Radical - Book Review
The book “ Practically Radical: Not-So-Crazy Ways to transform your company, shake up your industry, and challenge yourself ” was written...
We continue to expand our book reviews knowledge base!
As promised, we are continuing to add knowledge management (KM) and related management books to our knowledge base. We are delighted to announce that we now have 15 book reviews available. We invite you to visit our book reviews section to explore the latest additions and discover valuable insights.
To explore our book reviews section and recommend additional books, please visit the following link: https://www.kmrom.com/book-reviews
We also encourage you to contribute to our growing knowledge base.
We expanding our professional network by adding experienced KM consultants
ROM Global is currently expanding its professional network by adding experienced KM consultants who can both benefit from and contribute to our evolving range of solutions. For more information, please contact: moria@kmrom.com.
KMGN's round table on Digital transformation and KM
On July 20th, Dr. Moria Levy will lead the KMGN round table on Digital transformation and KM. Please join us! Registration is available at- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/km-roundtable-knowledge-aspect-of-digital-transformation-in-the-age-of-agi-tickets-617685994437?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
To our Chinese colleagues- Join a lecture "ISO 30401 in a strategic business view" on the July 28th
To our Chinese colleagues:
On July 28th, Dr. Moria Levy, in collaboration with MentoringCo, will be giving a lecture titled "ISO 30401 in a strategic business view." The session will be conducted in English with Chinese translation. For more details, please contact: moria@kmrom.com.
The impact of Generative AI on knowledge management
Forbes recently published an intriguing article on the impact of Generative AI on the field of knowledge management.
The article delves into the details of how this technology is shaping and transforming our roles and responsibilities within the knowledge management profession."
Details: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forrester/2023/05/05/how-generative-ai-is-affecting-knowledge-management/?sh=3cc5e4b87b56