Working Out Loud is a method developed by John Stepper designed to utilize social networks as a regular work tool. The method instructs how to develop a relationship that can assist in attaining goals, developing personal skills and learning new subjects.
According to the method, instead of generating 'networking', we should invest in relationships and developing long-term beneficiary ties and sharing our accumulated experiences. Long term investment generates trust among people and enhances the sense of connection which in turn increases the chance for collaboration and mutual help.
When we Work Out Loud, we gain access to more people, knowledge and beneficial opportunities and are therefore more efficient. Furthermore, our expansive relationship network provides us with a stronger sense of control, ability and connection. According to Stepper, the gain is double as we enjoy stronger motivation to learn, develop and gain personal professional value and our organization benefits from the collaboration and innovation.
The method's principles
Setting up a professional social network- how to generate a network of deep, meaningful relationships with people. The network must be based on trust, and can therefore provide real value.
Visibility for the work you are doing- building a reputation, collaborating with as many interfaces as possible to produce a better product, expanding professional circles and receiving as much feedback as possible regarding the work performed.
leading with generosity- giving should be joyful and altruistic. It should manifest in a true interest and appreciation of their interests and active listening, including question asking, to provide them with a sense of importance.
Improving- the basic assumption is that there is no right or wrong since we are all in the midst of a constant process of improving our abilities. the method focuses on the process rather than the results. Therefore, it is important to allow mistakes to occur, seek help when a problem arises and focus on our personal progress rather than comparing ourselves to others.
A clear goal- choosing a simple and clear goal makes it purposeful, thus directing us whom to choose to generate a relationship with and what contribution do we being to it. In order to define a goal optimally, ask questions such as: what am I trying to attain? Who is related to my goal? How can I benefit people by enhancing our relationships?
Work Out Loud Circles
Work circles are groups of 4-5 people helping each other to generate Work Out Loud habits. The group members meet for 12 weekly meetings for an hour, each meeting consisting of each member choosing a goal after which the members practice constructing a professional social network which may promote the defined goals. Meetings can be either virtual or frontal.
In conclusion, by investing in relationship development and long-term beneficial relations with a large number of people, anyone can attain their goals, develop personal abilities and provide more value to the organization in which they work.