Written with: Dana Neuman- Rotem
We all experience occasional difficulties at work. You might find it difficult to perform a task, keep up with the schedule, or provide the perfect solution (which, naturally, perfectly suits the costumer's needs), work overload, etc. We instinctively first focus on the challenges at hand when facing difficulties these tasks entail. Therefore, we might often lack a better response than "that's impossible", "that's impractical" or "the schedules are irrational and therefore…not happening".
Instead of immediately explaining the impossible nature of this task, try a different, more positive approach. Try defining things differently by implementing methods from the Knowledge Management methods. Hereby are some ideas.
Process simplification: occasionally, a new task may seem complex, therefore intimidating. Deciphering the task can be attained by breaking the complexity down into smaller particles as well as structuring the process. Breaking the task down to smaller sub-tasks will surely raise new questions. Answering these questions will provide you with solutions.
For example, setting up global websites is a highly complex project. This project involves several factors interacting and working with a number of interfaces. It also requires adhering to predefined schedules. Simplifying the work process and breaking it down might benefit the project greatly.
Documenting work processes: documenting work meetings (their agenda, summaries and protocols), documenting work processes by using checklists, and using other work documents which contain fixed templates that enable us to get a better update regarding the essence and scope of required work. Thus, we can attain a higher level of certainty regarding the challenges the task involves. Therefore, we can more easily adopt a positive approach to handling it.
Agile progress: Agile is a methodology that assumes on gradual development, rather that top down full planning and design. It therefore focuses on teams’ ability to cooperate quickly and respond to the demands raised during the project's run. Managing a project in an Agile environment enables us to constantly react to change and provides efficiency, agility and quality in terms of both responding to customers' needs and lack of malfunctions and errors. This work method will allow us to better understand the project's needs mid-project and thus adopt a more positive attitude when managing a new project.
Using methods from the realm of Knowledge Management will enable us to adopt a positive approach. This approach will ultimately enable us to promote the interests of all parties involved and generate positive feelings of cooperation.
This tip or challenge can improve your current situation. No task should be regarded as a 'mission: impossible'. Remember: every challenge enfolds an opportunity for learning and development.