The term knowledge Bot is a term popularly used by those dealing with the IT world, especially those dealing with WEB. Despite the mysterious aroma clouding the term, it is actually referring to a software named so as reference to the term 'robot' and expresses the human intelligence allegedly related to this software. The same characteristics of intelligence or human discernment abilities gave this software nicknames such as 'smart agent' or 'smart bot'. The Bot is actually a software which can complete a mission independently for a person or other entity. As soon as the task is given, the robot executes it till its completion, without any additional involvement required. This is the software's uniqueness.
Nowadays, the most common use of programs of this sort takes place in the internet.
What can a Knowledge Bot do?
Search for information automatically-for example, a request to map out your competition's financial status will not only provide you with a detailed answer but also commence the search independently: if said competition launches a new website, the knowledge bot will expand its searches to this site as well with no further command from the user necessary.
To answer specific questions. For example: "where is a X type of TV sold for the cheapest price?"
To send notifications. For example, when an article in the predefined field is published, the requested book is now on sale, traffic status, etc.
To 'tailor' content especially for the user. For example, only sports and finance news.
Sophisticated knowledge bots can be purchased from SPCs, but can also be found for no cost on the web.