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2Know Newsletter


Open Source Intelligence from a Knowledge Management perspective

Professional websites and portals have long become the main gateway to information and knowledge of the organization.
both to customers and the external public, and to employees and the various positions. Almost every organization currently manages websites and portals, from a few (one for customers and one for employees) to many (for customers, suppliers, and professional employees according to the various fields).

The 21st Century has ushered in an impactful revolution which has made data much more accessible to the public. Due to the acceleration...

The Undoing Project - Book Review

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

Written in 2016 by Michael, this book, “ The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds ,” adeptly intertwines several...

Harvesting Hidden Wisdom: The Art of Knowledge Retention

A knowledge retention project aims to prevent undesirable loss of professional knowledge that is key to the organization's success. Generative Artificial Intelligence is a sub-field within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and similar to knowledge retention, it focuses on processing and creating textual, visual, and symbolic content.

In the enchanting world of Harry Potter, magic intertwines with memory and knowledge. Dumbledore, the wise headmaster of the School of...

Personal Adaptation in Knowledge Management

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

Twenty years ago, when Knowledge Management was making its first stages, two closely related terms were often discussed: Personalization...


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