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2Know Newsletter


LXP -The next generation of e-learning systems

Professional websites and portals have long become the main gateway to information and knowledge of the organization.
both to customers and the external public, and to employees and the various positions. Almost every organization currently manages websites and portals, from a few (one for customers and one for employees) to many (for customers, suppliers, and professional employees according to the various fields).

Until now, the field of e-learning has been dominated by Learning Management Systems (LMS), which focus on the management, documentation,...

Learning literacy and its importance in the new era

Professional websites and portals have long become the main gateway to information and knowledge of the organization.
both to customers and the external public, and to employees and the various positions. Almost every organization currently manages websites and portals, from a few (one for customers and one for employees) to many (for customers, suppliers, and professional employees according to the various fields).

Our lives are full of learning from a very young age to adulthood. However, in most cases, we learn with the guidance of registered...

Think Again- Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book " Think Again - The Power to Doubt " is a book that was written in 2021 by Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist,...


Boosting the implementation of ISO30401 - A collaborative community project By Dr. Moria Levy

 Dr. Moria Levy’s article “Boosting the implementation of ISO30401” in the new volume of GfWM Kuratiertes Dossier, vol. 5 "Knowledge Management Essentials": Link


KMGN Round Tables - Examining the impact of new technological trends on knowledge management

KMGN is conducting a series of Round Tables to examine the impact of new technological trends on knowledge management. In May, a session on Blockchain/NFT is planned (registration- Link ).

In July, a session on the topic of digital transformation (registration - Link).


Recommended Blog -
Helpjuice Blog - Blog about knowledge base, knowledge management, customer support and more…

A blog about knowledge bases, knowledge management, customer support, and more: Link

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360 Degrees Video interview on KM- Santhosh Shekar discussing with Dr. Moria Levy

360 Degrees interview on KM- Santhosh Shekar discussing with Dr. Moria Levy


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