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UI, UX & Web Analytics

User experience (UX) focuses on the user's feelings when using a product or service.

When planning a new system and designing a user interface, much thought is invested in properties that will contribute to the success of...

Embedded BI

​Change management deals with the processes of changing organizational habits, to implement solutions in the field of knowledge management and not only.
The ROM company specializes in leading change management processes while applying integrated methodologies at the forefront of the new and developing knowledge in the field.

Embedded BI is an incorporation of reports and analytical abilities in existing operational systems that serve the workers during their...

A Practical Guide to Risk Management - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" A Practical Guide to Risk Management ", authored by Thomas Coleman in 2011, explores the realm of risk management theory. While its...


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