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2Know Newsletter


Knowledge Capture

A knowledge retention project aims to prevent undesirable loss of professional knowledge that is key to the organization's success. Generative Artificial Intelligence is a sub-field within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and similar to knowledge retention, it focuses on processing and creating textual, visual, and symbolic content.

Knowledge capture is a concentrated effort to capture tacit knowledge and transform it to explicit knowledge. The capturing can take...


Document and information management
Multiple documents, shared and personal, are a well-known phenomenon in every organization.
This phenomenon requires the creation of a mechanism to deal with and manage these documents, without taking up valuable work time.
The ROM company leads solutions in organizations for choosing the collection of tools and a methodology for saving documents while creating a "WAZE" of the documents, which defines what is where.

What is this? What does this term mean? TL; DR is an acronym which stands for Too Long; Didn't read . The term is usually used as a...

Social CRM (SCRM)

'Traditional' CRM deals with managing customer relations via analyzing the business activities the customers perform towards the...

Agile Change Management - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

"Agile Change Management: A Practical Framework for Successful Change Planning and Implementation"  is a book by Melanie Franklin, a...


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