What is this? What does this term mean?
TL; DR is an acronym which stands for Too Long; Didn't read. The term is usually used as a response to a long and detailed post in social networks. It was first viewed on SomethingAweful.com in 2002 and spread rapidly throughout the internet forum-sphere. In January 2003, the term appeared in Urban Dictionary and was added to the Oxford Dictionary in August 2013. In august 2014, Facebook claimed to declare war on the 'click bait' i.e. outrageous titles meant to lure surfers to click on the link based on the minimal amount of enticing information provided. Facebook announced that they will change their algorithm in order to differentiate between 'real' links and 'fake' links meant solely to lure clickers.
In October 2014, the Israeli TL; DR Facebook page was launched in order to prevent users from entering click-baiting links by providing the readers with a summary of the article. The page administrators post the link and add the answer to the question posed by the baiting title or a short line summing up the entire ordeal thus obviating the need to click on the link.
Why am I sharing this knowledge with you?
This phrase might be used in a comment to your post/blog/article if you don't look out, and I am here to help you prevent the next TL; DR from appearing at your door.
Hereby are some tips that can help you to improve the User Experience, assuming the text cannot be abbreviated:
Add subheadings
Divide the page clearly using short paragraphs, each containing a limited number of lines.
Incorporate pictures and videos throughout the text: a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million.
Highlight important phrases or sentences (bold or yellow - don't overdo it).