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2Know Newsletter


Case Study: Knowledge sharing in the field of fostering

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

The need Fostering is not a trivial arrangement. The state decides to remove a child from his/her home and temporarily (a period of time...

Context-based search: the next phase of personalization

Professional websites and portals have long become the main gateway to information and knowledge of the organization.
both to customers and the external public, and to employees and the various positions. Almost every organization currently manages websites and portals, from a few (one for customers and one for employees) to many (for customers, suppliers, and professional employees according to the various fields).

Our cellular phones know us better than ourselves and 'open doors' for us even before we request them to do so. Let's say I'm searching...

Scaling Up - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It... And Why the Rest Don't " is a book authored by Verne Harnish in 2014 in collaboration with...

Translating to customer language

Managing service organization knowledge such that junior employees deliver high-quality service.

Lately, I have been struggling with the definition of "customer language". The definition is seemingly obvious: a simple language which...


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