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Technology, reintroduced or: thanks, coronavirus!

A young child using a computer

Technology is everywhere and has been so for years. Everyone understands that digital solutions are the future and an inevitable necessity. Nevertheless, these solutions have been dragged, stored, and labored upon for years till a solution that may fulfill our needs as citizens and consumers.

The Covid19 crisis, which we are all experiencing for the first time is shaking everyone and altering many aspects on a micro level (our everyday lives) and on a macro level (society, economy, and culture). Yet despite the crisis, this situation may be regarded as a great opportunity for a positive change concerning our use of technology.

Technology is finally emerging in all its glory! Organizations and government offices are retrieving their previously stored plans and the conservative mode is reconsidering its course of action. This change is much needed in order for us to overcome the current crisis and perhaps even start conducting business differently in the 21st Century. Technological companies opt to work using a cloud module, banks are considering "helicopter finances", etc.

Furthermore, advanced applications for locating Coronavirus centers have been developed across the globe. Google and Apple have even made joined forces in developing such an application! More companies are enabling safe work from home, companies are cooperating and even sharing code over which they toiled- all for the greater cause. Learning has gone online, medical services have become remotely accessible, and buildings are being swiftly adapted to patients' needs. Deliveries, despite their poor handling of unprecedented overload, is experiencing the increasing need for a quick technological world. And of course, Zoom which has taken control of us in a heartbeat.

Seeing these abilities finally manifested, I wonder: what can we emulate and implement in our organization?

Remote learning

Making the organizational information and the unique systems accessible to the workers which are required to perform their ongoing tasks optimally.  Organizations need to develop an infrastructure that supports learning and work both at the office and remotely (complimentary channels). A remote learning infrastructure will enable flexibility and higher levels of efficiency, especially when no other option is available. This includes remote control of office computers if necessary.

Sharing and syncing activities

Remote working requires teamwork and synchronizing, and therefore calls for a review of relevant tools. A shared task management tool enables maximal coordination via information sharing, storing all data and documents in one accessible location, shared project management and central milestones. These tools include, for example,, Notion, and Asana.

Online conversing

Zoom's success proves that this model is right, successful and on demand. It enables maximum flexibility while generating a sense of presence and belonging.  Video platforms for multiple participants can leverage knowledge retention and knowledge development projects, as well as enable sharing knowledge in new and refreshing ways. Address data security and allow access (if necessary) to external platforms which enable this functionality.

Sharing knowledge across units

Focusing and optimizing efficient interfaces between units/parties among which sharing is crucial. The coronavirus crisis, for example, has enabled large entities, which have previously managed their systems separately, to develop an interface enabling vital data flow between the systems so to maximize this period's synchronization and agreed on by all necessary parties.

These are only examples of tools which have been discussed in detail. I believe that organization that will implement them will benefit both from efficiency and satisfaction. That said, this crisis has also demonstrated the need to consider digital solutions for every step we make. Making knowledge accessible via adapted online services alongside traditional services as complementary actions, developing automatic solutions, planning smarter interfaces, surveys regarding tools required in our workplaces and implementing the correct solutions for each organization- these will all lead us to optimal, interesting and shared digital Knowledge Management the likes of which leave the organization functioning better when the next crisis arrives.


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