We have grown familiar with the term 'Wiki'. It describes sharing software which allow anyone to edit content on the internet and publish it. This tool is making the internet a platform which includes an unlimited amount of content on countless subjects and on different levels of depth and complexity.
What is T-Wiki?
The term T-Wiki refers to software which serves as a platform for a number of Wiki platforms together, in a simple manner without any complex programming. It enables combining screens and connecting API that links to databases, creating and sorting tables, creating diagrams etc. In this manner, the T-Wiki enables to structure an envelope for the site which includes several Wikis, all in a modern look with a sense of innovation. It has a comfortable interface, high repair control and the availability of controlled access lists which makes it very user friendly, comfortable format especially suitable for those interested in sharing information and lack the required technological knowledge.
For example: a T-Wiki on traffic- The Mandriva community.
T-Wiki and Knowledge Management
T-Wiki sites are only part of various KM solutions available today: forums, chats, document sharing, blogs etc. But they are something else.
Technologically speaking, the easier it is to share knowledge, the higher the chance this sharing actually occurs. T-Wiki sites are known for their comfort and are the proof that the ability to open a site on a certain subject with a number of simultaneous knowledge contributors that contribute from their experience for the enrichment of the general public, allows optimal knowledge sharing. But T-Wiki is even more than that…
T-wiki indicates the future and the Web2.0 generation. Web 2.0 is more than just a technological advancement of the internet. It's a paradigm shift regarding the knowledge which surrounds us.
Web1.0 was characterized by a clear distinction between "content supplier" i.e. the website manager/owner and the "content consumer" i.e. the user. In Web2.0 the perception dictates that each and every one of us is both a consumer and a supplier of content. This paradigm shift caused a situation in which instead of the knowledge reaching a large audience from few sources (web 1), the knowledge is received from many sources (niches of specializations) with each source serving a relatively small audience. Thus, each person can find their own place and become an expert on a different subject.
TWiki shows us how the world of knowledge is changing from a world of brands to a world of niches. Knowledge management is becoming an integral part of our online life, and when we are all learning from everyone, we are all smarter….