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Prioritizing Critical Knowledge for Organizational Growth

A cup of tea and a book

Feb 1st, 2022. KMGN's annual course opens, this year serving "Advanced KM methodologies".

Some numbers:

15 lecturers- worldwide experts from around the globe

105 students- Experienced knowledge managers

20 countries- represented.

Dr. Randhir Pushpa has successfully led the first session focused on CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE. My takeaways:

When we enter organizations and units, there are so many needs, and we all know we must prioritize. We may be tempted to help wherever people are speaking out loud requesting a change, and we sense a high chance for first success. we may want to start with low-hanging fruit, where we find huge gaps between required knowledge and business performance and reality. All good ideas- however, we must also think in the long term and ensure that we are handling the organization's CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE. It is not because it is the only place we can help, but instead because it is the most important. In some cases, we will differ it in favor of the URGENT KNOWLEDGE, but that should probably be temporary, returning to the IMPORTANT.

So seek places that directly impact the competitiveness of the organization and manage those knowledge assets that will have a real impact on organizational performance and growth.

This post was initially published in LinkedIn

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