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KMGN's HacKMthon 2022: Collaborating and Co-creating to Achieve New Learnings and Define Direction for Future Projects

the cahllange

For nearly six months, we have planned this HacKMthon- a new yearly peak event of Knowledge Management Global Network, collaborating and co-creating together.

130+ KMers have joined, representing 30 countries worldwide. The majority connected virtually, and in 5 countries, we held physical events, connecting to all the others and working in blended teams.

We all worked hard and have achieved new learnings.

As for myself, as the 2022 leader of KMGN, I am satisfied; very satisfied. All defined objectives were achieved, and much more:

  1. Preparing the scene and direction for 2023 projects (outcomes of the current learnings).

  2. Cross-KM collaboration.

  3. WOW effect.

  4. Engaging KMers in our activities today and giving them a great reason to want to continue participating in future activities such as KM courses, projects, and events such as KM clinics and HacKMthons.

What now?

Today- We are going to rest.

And tomorrow- We will start collecting your feedback to learn as much as possible for our subsequent events and... start working carefully on the outcomes, so together with you, we can prioritize next year's KMGN shared projects.

Thank you, Mohamad Faiz Selamat, for leading this project. Thanks to all those who helped to make it happen Vincent Ribiere, Manfred Bornemann , Rajesh Dhillon, Vishal Meena, @Manfred Bornemann, @Olga Smirinov, @Vadim Shraye, Daria, Arthur Shelley, Dr. Randhir Pushpa, Izhar Izhaki, Rudolf D'Souza, Professor Eric Tsui, Stuart French, Madanmohan Rao, Stephanie Barnes, and all the others.

Thank you all 130+ who joined and shared their wisdom, energy, and love.

We are a great community.

We now have new dreams we can fulfill. Together.

 This post was initially published in LinkedIn

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