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KMBP - Knowledge Management Business Partner

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Leveraging Organizational Knowledge to Realize Organizational Strategy

The term KMBP is proposed here as an alternative title for the Knowledge Manager/Leader of Knowledge Management activities role in an organizational unit. This name suggestion stems from positioning the KMBP as a strategic partner in the organization's management.

This term establishes knowledge management as an organizational tool (remember - never as a goal!) used to leverage the organization's capabilities and strengths to create a competitive advantage in its environment - namely, realizing the organizational strategy.

In the new era, one of the business challenges facing the KMBP is formulating a knowledge management strategy for the organization. This action plan will include knowledge management tools and models that support the realization of the organizational strategy.

The KMBP must ensure that clear objectives supporting collecting, cataloging, documenting, preserving knowledge, and exposing it to all employees are derived from the organizational strategy, making it accessible and user-friendly for information and knowledge retrieval. Additionally, the objectives should strive for lessons learned management and insight generation activities that support new knowledge creation, accumulated experience collection, learning processes, and performance improvement in the organization.

The KMBP's workbench for creating the knowledge management strategy includes four pillars: content, technology, process, and culture, and accordingly, the following knowledge management tools:

  • Work processes:

    • Documents in the 21st century

    • Lessons learned and insights

    • Knowledge preservation tools

  • Content:

    • Documentation templates

    • Websites

    • Portals

    • Knowledge management

  • Technology:

    • Microsoft

    • Websfire

    • Plumtree

    • SAP

    • Oracle

  • Culture:

    • WIKI

    • Blogs

    • Forums

    • Communities

The KMBP's role as an active, full partner in realizing the organizational strategy using business-oriented technological tools anchored in organizational work processes and supported by a knowledge-sharing cultural value framework - has the potential to lead the organization successfully on the right path...

As stated, this is not a new role but a job content with strategic business significance that contributes to the organization's success.

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