The bottom line in numbers:
Participants: approximately 700 people
A Knowledge Management convention and two subsidiary technologies conventions (SharePoint, searching).
Gallery: approximately 15 presenters, mainly from the field of searching and Big Data
Main conclusions:
The discourse indeed centers on methodologies rather than technologies (those have moved to the other conventions).
Everyone is talking about Big Data and the explosion of data and information. The technological speakers offer solutions from the technological aspect; methodological speakers suggest various approaches from integrating into Knowledge Management (for example, through needs analysis and measuring) to ignoring and personal data and human intelligence.
Social media is still discussed, but with less of an aura. Innovation, mobile, cloud and Gamification are all on the map.
Insights from selected speeches
Innovation: a lecture by Jeffrey Phillips, EVO
Two main factors that affect the ability to promote innovation (whether as inhibiting or promoting factors) are: organizational strategy and organizational culture.
A central methodology for innovation: analyzing trends and planning scenarios<collecting clients' insights>creating ideas>developing the ideas.
The difference between a start-up and a large organization: a start up will make do with one idea it will promote; an organization holds portfolios of ideas being treated.
In order to create new ideas, you must first exit the box, i.e. free yourself from constraints due to:
Organizational strategy
Organizational culture
Organizational payback
A fear of risks
Organizational history
Intra organizational communication
Remember the 'box'. It is important, as you will eventually return to it:
Provides structure
Instills thinking templates
Encourages continuity and repeatability
Reduces risk
Take into consideration that much energy is required for 'getting out of the box'. The way to move the organization towards an innovative activity:
Creating a sense of discomfort from the current situation
Investing energy in creating the change
Providing tools, processes and methods for innovation
Investing time in innovation
Prepare the organization for the change
Innovation will only succeed in an environment that does not put a fire out immediately yet there is still a meaningful need. Without a deep meaningful need it will be difficult to create a commitment and get a budget.
At the end of the process, create a box and get back in it.
Gamification: a lecture by Rebecca Rodgers of Step Two Designs
Definition: Integrating game dynamics into your site, service, community, content or campaign, in order to drive participation. (Bunchball).
Reasons-why do people enjoy playing games:
It is addicting
It is challenging (against the game, against your own record and against other players)
It is enjoyable
It allows specialization.
It helps concentrating.
It provides company and a relationship with others (in some cases)
Central components that should be included in games you plan:
Possible goals of organizational games:
Improving skills
Attracting a young crowd
Enhancing involvement
Acquiring ideas
Trends in sharing: a lecture by Carla Odell, APQC
There are several international trends that enhance Knowledge Management:
Improving people's computerizing skills (thanks to the WEB and Smartphones)
Social media is slowly being integrated into workplaces; workers are interested in this and encourage this trend.
This is an era filled with data and text & data analysis.
Big data can be integrated into Knowledge Management processes:
In analyzing organizational needs (bases on insights derived from analytical dissection)
In measuring the progress of the Knowledge Management; the flow of information and knowledge; attaining output.
Learning from Lessons: a lecture by Lip Kee Lee, IAF Singapore
Central principles of successful lesson management:
Constant learning
Reporting with transparency
Sharing the knowledge
Ensuring implementation and enforcement through quality tests
Further tips:
Integrating in work procedures
Quick assimilation.
Managing the change: a lecture by Michael Grigsby, computerization manager at Kansas City PD
Four keys to successful change management:
Understanding that the change is necessary, not merely optional.
Constant evaluation of where we are and where we want to get to.
Planning (planning is important in itself, even if performance is later altered).
Management's commitment to the process.
An innovation team requires the right people at the right times. Besides the team members' ability, it is also very important to ensure their will to participate and advance the process.
Establishing a supportive computerization infrastructure is necessary. Make sure it isn't directive, only supportive.
Invest in constant development of your people.
Other little tips:
Adding a button to the 'wasn't found' screen which copies the searched text and the searcher's details and sends it to the KM team. They, in turn, treat the issue manually (identifying missing knowledge, unshared/indexed knowledge, improving the search engine's operation, assisting the operators) and are in direct contact with the client. This improves the service as well as the results.
In a regular evaluation process, regard two aspects: usage and output. It is suggested to view these measurements in three categories:
Culture (sharing the knowledge and dealing with it)
Business value contributed to the organization
A suggestion for altering messages in change management in accordance with the progression of the change (and the nature of those joining at each stage):
(since everyone is already there).
It is recommended to integrate KM into other quality and management processes, especially organizations that are hesitant of using a brand.