Critical Paths are the most important function/objective in any website/application and should therefore be defined at the beginning of the app/website development process at the system analysis stage. Defining them contributes to defining the website/application's framework and design that will ultimately enhance the User Experience.
The Critical Paths offer solutions for:
Users, motivated by psychological drives and needs to fulfill their needs/wishes: what will they ultimately wish to attain via this website/application?
The app/website owners, driven by business needs: where are they interested in leading the user via the website?
Critical Paths include:
Implementing Critical Paths in a website/application is expressed in the following actions:
We will ensure our users will reach the Critical Path in two clicks.
We will plan and display the website/app's navigation map, its flow throughout all website pages before creating them. Thus, alteration can be simply performed: adding, omitting, prioritizing, etc.
We will link to Critical paths from all website/app pages, thus offering the user the user to perform other actions such as "contact" or "learn more".
In conclusion, defining Critical Paths will assist you in:
Defining the app/website's focus
Attaining business objectives
Enhancing User Experience
No doubt, very important!