Many writers choose to write intermittently, writing a small segment each time. This method has many advantages including:
Instead of writing over an extended period and publishing an entire book at once, one's time can be divided more comfortably.
Reading segments is easier on the readers and requires less concentrated time; the average reader has five minutes a day to spare and can rarely allocate an hour or two for reading.
This type of writing generates a buzz due to extended exposure which cannot be reached when launching or marketing a book.
Certain suspense is generated due to readers waiting for the next segment to be published (which is why it is important to update readers when said segment will indeed be published).
Furthermore, writers who have already wrote an entire book yet wish to gradually expose readers to it in order to attain suspense can set up a blog and publish the next segment from their book each time.
A blog can revolve around any subject on whom we wish to express our opinion, whether personal or professional. Blogs can either serve as storage space for unrelated yet interesting material or contain a sequence of material. Usually, readers will enter new content and be oblivious of older material. These cases require collecting the important and/or interesting content and concentrate it in one place; a fine way to do this is to edit the material and publish it as a Blook.
A fine example of a Blook is "Knowledge Management in the 21st Century" by Dr. Moria Levy.
Before one decides to edit a Blook from a blog, one must ask the following questions: is the oldest material even relevant? Is there any significance to the order in which the blog's content is published? Is there any advantage to concentrating the accumulated material? Will our target audience be interested in an entire book or perhaps we might reach another target audience? Etc.
A Blook is useful when one wants to stop posting new material yet doesn't want to lose all the material accumulated in the blog. This solution can also be applied when dealing with other platforms, such as Facebook posts. Social networks contain an immense amount of content and comments unrelated to the subject; therefore, one must thoroughly edit the material and differentiate between relevant and irrelevant material. Furthermore, it is important to check whether this ordeal is financially worthwhile.
It is possible and preferable to publish the Blook as a smart PDF file or e-book thus expanding its accessibility.
The KM advantages of a Blook include:
Knowledge is accessible at all times and from any location thanks to the internet blog or via the Blook.
The Blook allows retaining knowledge.
The blog format allows efficient Knowledge Management.
The Knowledge can be further developed via the blog platform and if required publish another edition of this blog's Blook.
Writing a blog? You just might want to edit a Blook.
Good luck!