KMGN. KM-AI course, 23rd session. Wrap up. 62 KMers' from India, Indonesia, U.A.E., Argentina, Israel, Italy, U.S.A., Malaysia, India, South Africa, Thailand, Hong-Kong, Poland, Canada, Philipinnes, Jordan, France, and Bangladesh share their plans as to AI projects they are involved in, or they are planning to start. The initiatives vary from health to construction, law, academy, social working, high-tech, and up to shopping. The projects cover a wide range of needs.
The power of KM is shouting out: First, KM is a great enabler in all the presented projects. Furthermore, People present similar and complementary ideas. Small teams connect while speaking, decide to collaborate, and co-think/co-work on these projects together. together.
I call all knowledge managers and artificial intelligent staff who did not join this course to pop into our KMGN channel ( and see the recordings. Free of charge, of course. At the end of this course, we truly understand the potential synergy and the importance of joining together KM and AI.
I call all of us to start implementing AI in this spirit.
Thank you, Annie, Art, and Vincent, for joining me in leading this course.
Thank you to all 80 KMers' who took part in this fabulous (course) journey.
I love you all and already miss you.
Hope to meet (again) on our next KMGN course (KM advanced methodologies) planned to start on Feb 2022.
This post was initially published in LinkedIn