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Document management separating between published and unfinished documents

Document and information management
Multiple documents, shared and personal, are a well-known phenomenon in every organization.
This phenomenon requires the creation of a mechanism to deal with and manage these documents, without taking up valuable work time.
The ROM company leads solutions in organizations for choosing the collection of tools and a methodology for saving documents while creating a "WAZE" of the documents, which defines what is where.

SharePoint websites serve several purposes as well as contain various types of content. We plan and construct websites according to our...

Who killed Change? - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" Who Killed Change " marks a noteworthy addition to Ken Blanchard's accessible managerial book series. Co-authored in 2008 by John...

Ghost Buttons

User experience (UX) focuses on the user's feelings when using a product or service.

"Ghost Buttons" are buttons featuring minimalistic design. buttons They appear on central website pages (homepages or lobby pages)...


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