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2Know Newsletter


Organizational compliance and the use of social media in organizations

Every organization currently has many alternatives for digitally managing information and knowledge.
The ROM company leads organizations in decisions related to digital platforms:
- Is it necessary to purchase new technology, or can we rely on the existing one?
- What should be offered to employees for which purpose?
- Which tool should be purchased for a specific purpose? The ROM company has a close familiarity with the ever-changing range of solutions for the benefit of information & resources

Knowledge Management workers have been waiting for a while for Social Media to enter the organizational work. Finally, in the last 3-4...

Improving organizational performance by utilizing the Wisdom of the Crowd principle and Social media

Every organization currently has many alternatives for digitally managing information and knowledge.
The ROM company leads organizations in decisions related to digital platforms:
- Is it necessary to purchase new technology, or can we rely on the existing one?
- What should be offered to employees for which purpose?
- Which tool should be purchased for a specific purpose? The ROM company has a close familiarity with the ever-changing range of solutions for the benefit of information & resources

What is 'wisdom of the crowd'? The wisdom of the crowd is defined as decisions/knowledge derived from the decisions/knowledge of a large...

The Power of Habit- Why we do what we do in life and business - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book " The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business " was written in 2012 by Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer-prize...

Responsive Sites

User experience (UX) focuses on the user's feelings when using a product or service.

We already know that the 'business card' of a company is its website. This is what represents the company, enables a relationship with...


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