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2Know Newsletter


KM and football

Developing professional knowledge by aggregating existing documented and tacit assets, and using it to construct new knowledge levels.

In this article, I will attempt to briefly review the importance of Knowledge Management not only in organizations and businesses but...

Managing the Transition to Community-Based Knowledge Management

Establishing a community of knowledge leaders in our organization aims to foster a culture of knowledge management. Through training and collaboration, these leaders promote sharing, tackle challenges, and drive change towards a knowledge-sharing culture.

Turning from a group to a community. This is probably one of the more delicate changes, many of us experience while helping our...

Putting Stories to Work: Mastering Business Storytelling - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book " Putting Stories to Work: Mastering Business Storytelling " by Shawn Callahan, published in 2016, is widely recognized as a...

KMGN- it's our responsibility to collaboratively drive KM sharing and excellence among knowledge managers. Worldwide.

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

Dear friends, Half a year has passed since I received the honor to lead KMGN- a fabulous network of KMers worldwide. Vadim led us last...

Professional Loneliness Among Knowledge Managers

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

There is a known saying that shoemakers should watch and verify they aren’t left barefoot. Sometimes I feel that this is just the case...

Back to work: the challenges of reentering a position

A knowledge retention project aims to prevent undesirable loss of professional knowledge that is key to the organization's success. Generative Artificial Intelligence is a sub-field within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and similar to knowledge retention, it focuses on processing and creating textual, visual, and symbolic content.

What happened… I spent seven months on maternity leave. Two weeks before my estimated due date, I realized I must complete all projects...

AI trends

We are witnessing a fascinating technological revolution led by Generative AI tools. This groundbreaking technology promises to fundamentally change the world of knowledge work, streamlining daily processes and enhancing efficiency in every aspect of knowledge-based activities.
Intelligent implementation of creative artificial intelligence in organizational work processes opens the door to significant cost savings and is an engine of growth and innovation.

This year will probably see Artificial Intelligence advancing on its path to becoming the most transformative technology ever developed...


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