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2Know Newsletter


ISO Knowledge Management certification: To be certified- our personal perspective

Implementing standards in an organization is an excellent tool for promotion to excellence in the field of the applied standard.
Dr. Moriah Levy heads the international team of experts who developed the ISO30401 standard and continues to manage at an international level the projects for further advancement.
Dr. Moriah Levy also headed an international team of KMGN, the international forum for knowledge sharing and cooperation between countries in the field of knowledge management.

Let's begin with some background: on October 30th, 2011 the Standards Institution of Israel published the first Knowledge Management...

Too Big To Know - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book " Too Big To Know " by David Weinberger 2011 presents a fresh outlook on the nature of knowledge, compelled by the limitless...

Knowledge Management in our lives: part II

A knowledge retention project aims to prevent undesirable loss of professional knowledge that is key to the organization's success. Generative Artificial Intelligence is a sub-field within the world of Artificial Intelligence, and similar to knowledge retention, it focuses on processing and creating textual, visual, and symbolic content.

Approximately a month ago, I published an article that discussed defining Knowledge Management differently than the definition commonly...


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