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Business Intelligence 3.0 (BI 3.0)

A person drawing a diagram on a touch screen

A term referring to business intelligence tools that enable the use of features from social networks such as information sharing, collaborative decision-making, and automatic pushing of relevant information tailored to each business user (like YouTube, which automatically suggests content pertinent to the user based on their searches/views) and thereby helps them quickly gain essential insights into business activities.

Evolution of BI

A diagram of a business intelligence

It can be said that with the development of the BI field, data has become much more available (from analyses of past data to real-time data) and more accessible, with the center of power shifting from IT to business users. Initially, access to data and the creation of BI reports were open to all users, but this created issues of inaccurate report generation and misinterpretation of data. Nowadays, report creation is typically done by the IT department or analysts with appropriate permissions to ensure data reliability and proper interpretation. The trend is to allow more self-service use of BI services again, enabling independent report creation through user-friendly interfaces designed with a business user orientation. Business Intelligence 3.0 offers several new and unique capabilities that align with the current era and include social, mobile, and local aspects (SOLOMO-Social, Local, Mobile). Prominent examples in the BI field include Social BI, Mobile BI, and Self-Service BI.

Mobile BI

Allows organization employees to connect from their mobile devices directly to organizational information and view data using BI tools installed on the mobile device. Access to this data enables organizations to be more competitive and provide real-time responses.

Social BI

Social BI tools allow business users to share KPIs, [reports, and graphs and receive instant feedback from people within the organization.

Self-Service BI

Self-service BI tools provide end-users, including those without in-depth knowledge or experience working with technological systems, with direct access to previously unavailable data through information systems such as on-demand report generation, research analysis, and more.

Thus, BI 3.0 tools enable quick access to real-time data from anywhere, using features from social networks and allowing data sharing and automatic pushing of personalized information to users.


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