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Successful CX management (or: generating allegiance via UX design)

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Although this new age provides organizations with many challenges and opportunities for creating optimal CX (Customer eXperience) which hopefully will lead to the development of a deep sense of involvement, most organizations do not view developing meaningful relationships with clients as a top priority.

Studies among organizations have shown that despite the 2016 trend report displaying CX as one time marketing opportunity, only one of three organizations actually considers their CX management sufficient. In order to understand what organizations must do in order for their CX management workplan to succeed, marketers and clients gathered to discuss trends, recommended work methods and challenges organizations might encounter when planning client experiences.

The participants brought their questions, challenges and personal experiences to the table. Hereby are the main recommendations these discussions produced:

  • Provide an experience (not merely a service): all CX management plans are based on defining client properties, the process clients go through experiencing the product/conduct and data regarding their website activities. These parameters should be considered by all organizations. However, it is equally important to examine the manner in which clients view the service the organization provides. Every organization should aspire to provide, along with the functionality of service, an experience emotionally targeted at clients by generating a sense of surprise, delight and simplicity. The participants reported that positive client experiences are perceived as critical, emotional and even unforgettable events.

  • Insist on client-focused content: funding CX is a substantial challenge for any organization. Organizations usually prefer funding marketing initiatives that can be implemented, evaluated and prove worthwhile relatively easily. It is nevertheless worthwhile to insist: Many technological tools which can assist in conveying the right message to the right person, then evaluate this move's profitability are available. Despite the gamble involved, organizations are willing to fund initiatives benefitting their clients experience are those that upgrade their business.

  • Because it is more likely to address client experience.

  • Because we can collect data along the way (rather than only at the selling point)

  • Because this is an easy way for clients to share content via the internet.

  • Make correct use of the CX evaluation features: Few organizations make use of social indicators such as "shares" or the average time spent at a website to review profitability. Most organizations prefer finding out how clients felt after using the product by explicitly asking: "were you satisfied from your buying experience?", "will you be returning for future purchases?", "would you recommend our brand to friends and family?". The commonly available tools are insufficient when a single CX monitoring is required. Adding emotional indicators enables us to review the clients' experience in real time.

  • Regard online and offline CX evaluation tools differently:

    • There are three approaches to reviewing CX:

      • The online approach which evaluates via questionnaires and surveys which enable organizations to chart client types and better comprehend their needs and properties in order to improve future client experiences.

      • The offline approach which mainly relies on design elements such as brightness and visual simplicity.

      • The integratory approach which defines two or three main types of users and examines both their online and offline CX so to chart their respective process. This approach enables organizations to improve their leading clients' experiences.

In conclusion, an optimal CX is an event which will remain etched in clients' memories. The event must incorporate an emotional meaning into the product/content consumption experience. Precise management which includes learning clients' needs, wishes and unique personal preferences can ensure effort invested in creating a close circle of faithful and committed clients will indeed affect company profitability.



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