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2Know Newsletter


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Every organization currently has many alternatives for digitally managing information and knowledge.
The ROM company leads organizations in decisions related to digital platforms:
- Is it necessary to purchase new technology, or can we rely on the existing one?
- What should be offered to employees for which purpose?
- Which tool should be purchased for a specific purpose? The ROM company has a close familiarity with the ever-changing range of solutions for the benefit of information & resources

The body of the text is the most substantial part of my content composition. It must be sufficiently present mustn't stand out. It should...

The Brain That Changes Itself - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science ," authored by Norman Doidge in 2007,...

'Voices' in the Knowledge Management process

​Change management deals with the processes of changing organizational habits, to implement solutions in the field of knowledge management and not only.
The ROM company specializes in leading change management processes while applying integrated methodologies at the forefront of the new and developing knowledge in the field.

A man and woman are stuck in an empty room in a deserted building in London. The door is open. They wish to leave. Why don't they leave?...

Knowledge Management 2014: present and future

Gamification blends playfulness with work, fostering positive experiences in organizational settings. From digital escape rooms to knowledge quizzes and humor-infused documents, it enhances engagement, knowledge sharing, and unity. Despite perceived high costs, cost-effective solutions exist, making gamification a versatile and impactful tool for organizations.

There are those who refer to the stage we are in as 'the third generation of Knowledge Management'. The first generation dealt with...


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