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Organizational blog

Professional websites and portals have long become the main gateway to information and knowledge of the organization.
both to customers and the external public, and to employees and the various positions. Almost every organization currently manages websites and portals, from a few (one for customers and one for employees) to many (for customers, suppliers, and professional employees according to the various fields).

What are the advantages of setting up and managing an organizational blog? A blog is an internet/interant website the contains posts on...

Email management with a smile

​Change management deals with the processes of changing organizational habits, to implement solutions in the field of knowledge management and not only.
The ROM company specializes in leading change management processes while applying integrated methodologies at the forefront of the new and developing knowledge in the field.

Most organizations suffer from data overload which manifests in many forms; a prominent one being email overload. Every manager and...

Implementing BI in an organizational environment

Business Intelligence (BI) features several advantages from various fields.Sales:  Sales performances analysis (daily, weekly, monthly,...

Don't Make Me Think - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book " Don't Make Me Think ," authored by Steve Krug in 2006 (second edition), remains correct, accurate, and relevant despite the...


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