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2Know Newsletter
KM AI course: Case study- World bank
May 18th, Session 7. Today we are hosting Margot Brow, Senior Advisor Knowledge Management, Office of the Chief Operating Officer,...
Guidelines for a critical review of data on the internet
Everyone looks up information on the web, from business-related questions to studies and personal questions. And when we find the...
It’s not ‘what’ but ‘how’ that really matters
We’re used to being goal-oriented in our day-to-day routine, and the objective we strive to attain is usually performing our required...
Independence and Knowledge Management
This past month, we celebrated Israel’s Independence Day. For my two-and-a-half-year-old, every day seems to be Independence Day, or...
KM AI: AI technologies
April 27. 4th session of KM AI course. In many AI advanced solutions, intelligence is based on data, rather than on explicit programming....
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