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Innovative Creativity- Book Review

"Innovative Creativity: Creating with Innovation in Mind" by Dr. Alex Bennet & Dr. Arthur Shelley, with assistance from Charles Dhewa, is a 2024 book that blends theory with practical advice to enhance individual creativity. It emphasizes using creativity for innovation, breaking down creativity components, and exploring various tools to promote creative thinking, including intuition and social development.

From Livestreams to Learning Labs: How VR/AR is Leveling Up Knowledge Management

Recent tech advances, including live TV and VR/AR, offer immersive experiences for virtual participation. VR creates alternate realities, while AR overlays virtual elements on the physical world, benefiting knowledge management and learning. Despite advantages, challenges like costs and privacy persist, requiring ongoing consideration.

Change- principles of problem formation and problem resolution- Book Review

Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fish's 1979 book, "Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution," explores essential change methods grounded in set theory and logical type theory. The authors advocate for second-degree changes, contributing valuable insights to knowledge management on terminology, logical methods, and recommended solutions.

Blue Ocean Strategy- Book Review

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne's 2004 book builds on Nonaka and Takeuchi's work, emphasizing value innovation for organizational success. The strategy involves delivering more with less, creating a blue ocean untapped by competitors through optimized value components. Key elements include focus, differentiation, and a compelling proposition, as illustrated by examples like Casella in the wine industry.

The Practice Of Management - Book Review

In 2005, renowned management theorist Peter Drucker passed away, leaving a legacy of influential works. This article explores his insights, focusing on knowledge management and aligning organizational goals with Drucker's principles.

Deep Smarts - Book Review

"Deep Smarts," published in 2005 by Leonard and Swap, explores cultivating and transferring organizational wisdom. The book offers classical methods, emphasizing experience, and highlights the importance of guided learning, social influences, personal beliefs, and strategic knowledge investment. It's a valuable resource for knowledge management, urging readers to delve into its rich content for a comprehensive understanding.

The Knowing-Doing Gap - Book Review

"The Knowing-Doing Gap" explores the challenge of organizations possessing knowledge but failing to implement it. The book identifies causes like excessive talking, clinging to the past, fear, measurement issues, and intra-organizational competition. It concludes with strategies for fostering proactive behavior.

Circle to Search

Google introduces Circle to Search, a new Android feature allowing seamless in-app searches through actions like highlighting or tapping on items. MultiSearch combines words and images for intricate answers, enhancing AI accessibility on smartphones amidst a decline in traditional searches. The move signifies a profound shift in knowledge search.

Capitalizing on Knowledge - Book Review

"Capitalizing on Knowledge" by David Skryme (2001) explores the evolution of knowledge management into online business. Despite its historical context, the book imparts valuable lessons on selling knowledge beyond organizational boundaries. It covers e-business, K-business, knowledge-based products, marketing, and internet marketing, while also addressing challenges and dilemmas in the evolving landscape of knowledge trading.

Outside Innovation - Book Review

"Outside Innovation" (2006) delves into collaborative innovation, emphasizing client partnerships and transformative roles. Covering topics from customer contributions to marketing through clients, the book advocates a perceptual shift for organizational growth.

The New Know - Book Review

"The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics" (2009) by Thornton May and SAS transcends traditional book boundaries, emphasizing analytics in business and beyond. It covers the evolving business landscape, analytical analysis, strategic decision-making, and innovation facilitation. Despite a subjective tone, it offers valuable insights, recommended for those exploring analytics.

The Complete Guide to Knowledge Management - Book Review

"The Complete Guide to Knowledge Management: A Strategic Plan to Leverage Your Company's Intellectual Capital" (2011) by Dr. Edna Fisher and Dr. Tuvia Ronen outlines a strategic approach for knowledge management, emphasizing its integration into organizational strategy, cultural aspects, and the pivotal role in fostering innovation.


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