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The new learning is co-creating

13 June 2023
Dr. Moria Levy

Rohit Pande, CEO of Habitat, a globally recognized household furnishing brand synonymous with innovation, proclaimed back in December 2020, "The future of learning is co-creation." This theme has resonated deeply in my professional journey of knowledge development.

Traditional learning—absorbing the knowledge accumulated before their time—is paramount for newcomers to a field. There's no need to reinvent the wheel, after all. This is the core of what traditional training departments do: veteran experts guide the newcomers through established courses, whether they're within the same organization or sourced from elsewhere. The principle remains the same.

However, I've found co-creation to be the most effective approach when it comes to advanced learning. This method involves developing new knowledge collectively. The facilitator in this scenario isn't a teacher or trainer but a guide who leads the learners on an intriguing journey of collective discovery. The co-creation methodology I've employed in various forms has consistently yielded excellent results.

Unlike traditional training that often benefits from homogeneity among learners, co-creation thrives on diversity. The more divergent the ideas, the more opportunities for constructive collisions and, consequently, deeper learning.

A key takeaway from my recent engagement with the @Knowledge Management Global Network's new collaboration course is the power of co-creation, even among people from different eras, industries, and cultures. By investing time in building trust, nurturing a shared language, and fostering a culture of collaboration, co-creation under these conditions can become a veritable breeding ground for innovation.

And be forewarned: the co-creation journey is wonderfully addictive.

Nice living room designed by Habitat
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