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WIKI: Go without - feel with

The evolution of wikis from Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb to their widespread use today, such as Wikipedia, has led to their adoption in business for knowledge management, though with modifications for organizational needs. The shift from full democracy to managed content and the potential for semi-structured information management offer new possibilities and challenges in utilizing wikis effectively.

Organization's Knowledge Base Website Templates

Effective knowledge management is akin to finding Waldo in a crowd. Just as a well-structured website template aids in quickly locating information, a consistent design and clear hierarchy support efficient knowledge retrieval and engagement.

Knowledge content migration

Content migration is a common practice when outdated systems need to be replaced. It involves evaluating, planning, mapping metadata, migrating content, and verifying its successful transfer. Manual and automated methods are available, each with advantages and disadvantages. Despite careful planning, surprises may occur, requiring preparedness from the project team.

Interview with Naama Halevi- Peer, Manager of the organizational portal in Hapoalim bank

The bank's award-winning organizational portal is a central hub for intelligence, communication, and knowledge management, benefiting thousands of employees. Key success factors are innovation, tech integration, management support, and employee engagement. Future plans involve expanding business solutions and fostering a sharing culture through Web 2.0 principles, emphasizing starting knowledge management broadly and targeting high-potential communities.


Templates are essential for content management solutions in Knowledge Management. They enhance efficiency and accessibility, enabling users to find information quickly. Popular template types include text, tabs, plusses, and call scripts.


Taxonomy refers to an organization's dictionary, while ontology links the words and groups them based on properties and values. Tagging involves attaching metadata tags to information items for better searchability. SharePoint 2010 uses a Term Store for defining taxonomy.

Central and Distributional: forming information directory crews

When upgrading knowledge directories, organizations can choose between a central model (homogenous team) or a distributed model (content editors associated with units). The choice depends on organizational size, complexity, and stage of setup. Regular review and adaptation are recommended.

Converting a content community

Converting an organization's content during a system transition requires careful planning and consideration. Prioritize content, review conversion methods, and allocate resources for effective and efficient conversion.

Knowledge Directories for client service: not only call centers

A Knowledge directory is a solution intended for workers whose work is mainly characterized by providing service in 'real time', when the client is sitting in front of them or waiting on the line.

Has content become a secondary component of websites?

First impressions provide inclusive understanding. Design is important, but without quality content, the promise of a website is unfulfilled. Content is crucial for success, attracting and retaining users, and increasing profit.

The future of Knowledge Management is here- a new approach to Knowledge management

In a world in which everything is 'instant', so should the Knowledge Management be. If it's not quick and interesting, it's irrelevant!

The power to change: switching a Knowledge Management system

sometimes, the required change is not switching the system yet we lack the motivation and resources that the real solution requires.
The incentive to perform this change is changing the system. Once the system is switched (as part of an inclusive strategy) it is easier to muster the motivation and apply resources. The overall emphasis is to adapt to the need and not miss the opportunity.

Service Knowledgebases

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