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The content editor's position: between content editing and contributing to the optimization of organizational work processes

This text highlights the challenges in managing content editors within organizations. It emphasizes the importance of periodically evaluating their performance, ensuring continuous learning, and preventing burnout. The role should evolve from basic editing to knowledge management, requiring a diverse skill set for optimal organizational impact and efficiency.


"Seeing the Text" by Schertz and Yoder introduces a visual reading method for deep text comprehension. Three sections guide readers: analyzing text components, comparing with external sources, and personal interpretation. This approach enriches understanding, aligning with modern reader-centered analysis. An essential tool for profound engagement with diverse texts.

The Knowledge Graph Cookbook - Book Review

"The Knowledge Graph Cookbook: Recipes that Work" by Andreas Blumaur explores the transformative power of knowledge graphs in converting data into actionable knowledge. The book covers the semantic web, knowledge management, and graph representation of data. It delves into various sectors where knowledge graphs can bring significant benefits, and includes interviews with industry leaders. The book provides comprehensive guidance for those interested in the emerging field of knowledge graphs.

Making Knowledge Accessible to the Blind - Challenges and Opportunities

challenges and coping strategies related to Braille accessibility for the blind and visually impaired. It covers topics such as unique challenges for different languages, making mathematics and graphics accessible, the Braille display as a means of computer I/O, Braille literacy, and the need for uniformity of knowledge.

WIKI: Go without - feel with

The evolution of wikis from Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb to their widespread use today, such as Wikipedia, has led to their adoption in business for knowledge management, though with modifications for organizational needs. The shift from full democracy to managed content and the potential for semi-structured information management offer new possibilities and challenges in utilizing wikis effectively.

Organization's Knowledge Base Website Templates

Effective knowledge management is akin to finding Waldo in a crowd. Just as a well-structured website template aids in quickly locating information, a consistent design and clear hierarchy support efficient knowledge retrieval and engagement.

Knowledge content migration

Content migration is a common practice when outdated systems need to be replaced. It involves evaluating, planning, mapping metadata, migrating content, and verifying its successful transfer. Manual and automated methods are available, each with advantages and disadvantages. Despite careful planning, surprises may occur, requiring preparedness from the project team.

Tips for concise writing

Concise writing offers numerous benefits in conveying clear and precise messages. By employing short sentences, avoiding unnecessary words, and utilizing effective formatting techniques, readers can easily grasp information and maintain engagement.


Templates are essential for content management solutions in Knowledge Management. They enhance efficiency and accessibility, enabling users to find information quickly. Popular template types include text, tabs, plusses, and call scripts.


Taxonomy refers to an organization's dictionary, while ontology links the words and groups them based on properties and values. Tagging involves attaching metadata tags to information items for better searchability. SharePoint 2010 uses a Term Store for defining taxonomy.

Principles of accessibility

Accessibility in websites is essential for creating a positive user experience and reaching a wider audience, including people with disabilities. It benefits organizations by enhancing their image and market potential.

Converting a content community

Converting an organization's content during a system transition requires careful planning and consideration. Prioritize content, review conversion methods, and allocate resources for effective and efficient conversion.

Content Management

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